How to prepare the aviary?

The handling begins before the arrival of the chicks in the installation with the cleaning and disinfection of the installation and equipment.
For chicks, the warm environment is critical to survival. For this it is important to use a protective circle, which aims to protect chicks from drafts and keep them close to the source of heat, water and food.

The protection circle must have:

  • Bed with wooden sparade;
  • Drinking fountain;
  • Feeder;
  • Heat source (bell, grass gas or incandescent lamp).
Aviary bed
  • Can be wood shave;
  • Medium-sized particles;
  • Must be a layer 3 cm tall;
  • Free of undesirable substances (fungi, toxins, etc.)

Heating the environment

Heating the environment where the chicks will be housed is necessary before the arrival of the chicks.
Heating can be done with:

It is important that there is air renewal and that the ambient temperature is maintained at 32ºC on the first day of life of the chicks. The temperature
should be reduced by a degree centigrade every day of life, until it reaches room temperature.


  • Use 1 tray feeder for 80 chicks in the first two weeks of the chicks' life.
  • Replace them with tubular feeders with feed output regulation, in the proportion of one to 40 chicks.
  • Hang them at a height that facilitates access to birds, without however allowing them to waste feed.


The type of feed varies according to the purpose of the production and the stage of the animal's development, which is divided as follows:

Drinking fountain

The drinking fountains and feeders shall be distributed evenly in the space within the protective circle and thereafter, after its removal, in the aviary space.

  • Use 1 drinking fountain for every 80 chicks;
  • After 14 days hang the drinking fountains to prevent dirt from entering.
  • The height adjustment should be weekly, obeying the height of access of the bird, as it grows.
  • Provide vitamin water for 7 days in abundance, clean and fresh.

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