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Corn and derivatives

HomeProductsCorn and derivatives

Milho em grão
Corn and derivatives

Corn grain is mainly used for human and animal consumption, being an essentially energetic food, because its main component is starch.
The protein content normally found in the grain is in the range of 9 to 11%. Besides presenting low content, the quality of the protein is lower than that of other cereals, since most of it consists of zein, which is poor in the amino acids lysine and tryptophan.
It can also be used in the feed industry; food industry (final products); glucose syrup (hard candies, sausage, mortadelas, etc.); glucose syrup with high maltose content (beers); caramel dyes (soft drinks, beers, sauces, etc.); prosthetic ingredients (rations for cattle, pigs, poultry and dogs).

Milho Moído
Corn and derivatives

Grinding is the procedure, where the whole grain of corn, or any other, is crushed to separate its various parts or to obtain fractions of various sizes (granulometry). Grinding is done to improve the aspects of intake and digestibility.
From the nutritional point of view, it can be considered that the smaller the particle size, the greater the contact of food with ruminal microorganisms and digestive enzymes, favoring digestion and absorption. The grinding of the grains favors the mixture of ingredients and promotes an increase in the quality and efficiency of the processes of furization and extrusion.

Milho Partido
Corn and derivatives

Corn is a food for animals that can be obtained more economically. It is very rich in carbohydrates and fat, but has lower quality protein and is low in minerals. It is not a food for the formation of meat and eggs. It should therefore be provided to birds associated with other richer foods, which can counterbalance their deficiency in proteins, minerals and vitamins.
One of the ways to feed your animal is by giving it corn in its broken form, because the digestive utilization is superior.

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